angular velocity of rotationの例文
- Precession is the result of the angular velocity of rotation and the angular velocity produced by the torque.
- where \ gamma _ 0 is the initial Lorentz factor, ? is the angular velocity of rotation, r is the radial coordinate of the particle and c is the speed of light.
- where "'& omega; "'is the angular velocity of rotation of the reference frame and "'r "'is the vector position of the point where the acceleration is measured relative to the axis of the rotation.
- In particular, if the angular velocity of rotation \ Omega decreases with radial distance R \, the motion is unstable : a fluid element undergoing a small displacement from circular motion experiences a destabilizing force that increases at a rate which is itself proportional to the displacement.
- The GRS-80 ( Geodetic Reference System 1980 ) as approved and adopted by the IUGG at its Canberra, Australia meeting of 1979 is based on the equatorial radius ( semi-major axis of Earth ellipsoid ) a, total mass GM, dynamic form factor J _ 2 and angular velocity of rotation \ omega, making the inverse flattening 1 / f a derived quantity.